Friday, June 26, 2009

Consistent Fitness: MELT before you move!

Consistent Fitness: MELT before you move!

Friday, June 19, 2009

MELT before you move!

Recently I signed a lease on a new apartment on the second floor of my apartment building, which, subsequently has only two floors (Connecticut is no NYC). It is a great corner unit that is quiet and has more closets and windows and a wall that separates the kitchen from the 'living room'. I nearly stopped myself from taking the place for the reason of the major pain in the neck... and back and arms and legs... it would be to schlep all of my belongings out my door, down the hall, around a corner, straight 30 feet, left through a door, right up the stairs, left through another door, straight another 20 feet & finally through the door of my new apartment.
You just read that and you are exhausted.

Lucky me, the previous tenant moved out last Sunday & had the carpets cleaned the following Tuesday, which has left me all of this time & through the end of the month to move in. I started with closets and some kitchen items, but last night I made moving a workout. I challenged myself with a deep squat and lift with bookcases, side tables, chairs and even a small dining table. Holding an isometric contraction for over a minute is quite a challenge. Hoisting irregular objects of considerable mass up an angle of stairs is another (it may have only been 10 steps to the staircase, but when coupled with weight, the steps resembled those run by Rocky Balboa). All in all, I did well, felt strong and inevitably, slept like a baby. (Please note: In this story, not once did I mention that I did a MELT Map prior to this 'workout').

This morning I awoke feeling pretty beat up, stiff and achey... Shame on me!! Like the cobbler, I too had no shoes! I resolved immediately to resolve my post move hangover with some lengthening and decompression. My hands were a sure mess with excessive gripping, so they got the treatment, too. I feel so much better just from the 20 minutes I MELTed.

My move is far from over, but I must say I have learned my lesson which brings me to the moral of this story:

MELT before you move!