Sunday, December 19, 2010

TRX... The New Adventure!

Last week I participated in a TRX Suspension Training Course for Personal Trainers.  I had been curious about TRX Suspension Training for a while as I am a big fan of bodyweight training, so I thought it would be a great way to really learn it.

What a cool concept!  No wonder it is the new rage in fitness!  It was created by US Navy SEALs who needed to stay in peak condition wherever they were.  The Trainer had humble beginnings in its creation & was MacGyver'ed by the SEALs using parachute webbing and rubber boat repair tools.   These SEALs soon developed a whole array of bodyweight exercises unique to this crazy new contraption they created.

And then they got really smart and branded a brilliant product.

This single piece of equipment can be set up anywhere and it is designed to accommodate all fitness levels. It is a terrific challenge to the core, can be used as a functional training tool and definitely helps wake up the nervous system.

Our instructor showed us a nice selection from the TRX Exercise Library.  With a new toy like this, how could I not jump at the challenges?

And it seriously kicked my hide....

Of course, I could not help but see the benefits of MELT all over this.  Just doing the foot treatment before a TRX class or one-on-one session will greatly improve proprioception and balance.  Hydrating the connective tissue prior to a workout will allow the body to move through its full range of motion.  Getting on the roller before, during and after will help with recovery and the MELT Strength series will help provide hip and shoulder stability which is crucial to have to avoid injury. 

I can't wait for my TRX Suspension trainer to arrive so I can start integrating it with MELT... I will keep you posted on my discoveries along the way.

This is going to be fun!

Friday, September 17, 2010

(pitiful) Confessions of a Fitness Professional

I am out of shape, drank too much this summer and am turning 40 in November.

If it sounds as though I am being dramatic and fishing for compliments, believe me, I fish not.

Let me begin by clarifying that it is not that I drank too much in one sitting night after night, just more than I have normally (or at least since I turned 30).  A six-pack of Corona looked like such a tasty treat at the grocery store, that I almost always put it in my cart along with my vegetables and fruit.  In the summer it is a guarantee that margaritas will be my craving and sipping a beer while sunbathing on a Saturday…and Sunday…is not beyond my reality.  I usually don’t drink at all during the week, yet on some days I could be found patting myself on the back for going a couple of nights sans cervesa.

As for turning 40, I am not opposed to getting older, but I must admit that the actual number looks ominous to me…Like it doesn’t belong next to my name or go with my hair. 

I get many an eye roll when I shamefully admit being in horrible shape.  People assume that being thin means being in good physical condition, and I am here to tell that could not be further from the truth.  At present, I am weak as a kitten and have the endurance of sedentary sloth. 

This fall, I am putting an end to this nonsense.  My battle plan has already been put into action and consists of the following: 

To start, I am doing a very mild cleanse called New Start which I got from  I love Mercola’s products, especially the Krill Oil which is the best Omega-3 anti-inflammatory I have ever taken.  The cleanse is one that is done at dinner time and ‘works while you sleep.’  I was initially worried that I might soil the sheets at three in the morning or have some unpleasantly momentous morning.  None of this has happened thankfully and I am a week in to this 10-day system.  However, I find that I think of food almost constantly.

With that, I put myself on the wagon so the cleanse can effectively do its job of making my liver happy again. 

My meals are frequent and healthy, including eating two apples a day! 
The lights are out no later than 10:30pm (although some nights I am done and asleep by 9:00p… don’t judge me).

My skin is even receiving a new routine with the Roc Multi-Correction Skin System (  I can’t sense a change as all I see are the flaws, but maybe someone else can.  I do feel satisfied when my skin tingles after I apply the night cream, confirming that wrinkles are being stopped before they can begin!

Drinking up to three litres of water a day has been a standard for a while, but for some reason, it seems to taste better these days.  I have a BPA free Nalgene on my desk that I fill three times a day.

Getting my fitness routine back in has been quite humbling.  I began by taking a Cardio Kickboxing class at the East Coast United Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu & Boxing in Fairfield, CT (   In truth, I had no business taking this class that was taught by Alex, one of the owners (and an accomplished fighter), who is not too far removed from Ivan Drago.  If you don’t believe me, check out their site for proof (and the amazing class schedule for adults and kids): Needless to say the class kicked my hide and I had difficulty walking the following week.  I saw Alex yesterday and told him I was coming Tuesday: “Blah, blah, blah… I believe when I see… you are a wimp!”  I did not disagree with the ‘wimp’ accusation but assured him I would be there Tuesday (please pray for me…).

Along with that, I have given hot yoga a try at Fairfield Hot Yoga... just because I can.  I like the sweat effect and they offer Vinyasa, which is perfect for me.  The facility is really cool and there is quite a variety of different classes to try:  (

I have not made as much of a habit at hitting my regular gym, (, but plan to add that to my weekend schedule… in between teaching MELT, laundry, homework, cooking, cleaning and football (watching, not playing).

Of course, I MELT and I have made it part of my morning routine, whether I want to or not.  I can talk myself out of just about anything, including MELTing, which is just plain silly considering how great it makes me feel.  Recently, I became an Advanced MELT Instructor by getting trained in the MELT Strength Series, which integrates proper muscle timing along with hip and shoulder stability.  I have made a point of incorporating various Strength routines into my morning MELT to get me through a 9.5 hour day of sitting in a chair and typing at a computer.

November 26th, 2010 begins a new decade for me, and at that point I plan to be, if not at the top of my game, at least 80% of the way there.  The tricky part will be staying there once the cold rolls in, making my desire to nest in my little apartment all the stronger. 

Consistency is one of the keys to longevity.  My short term goal is really intended to be the long term goal of approaching 90, looking and feeling great.  Unless I get hit by the proverbial bus, living to be a hot & healthy elder is where it is at for me.

Happy Fall!

Saturday, September 11, 2010

Monthly MELT Class & Privates at Fuller Yoga Pilates and Massage

Improve whole-body balance, eliminate tension in your neck and low back, and instantly feel better! Learn how to self-treat your body with MELT and gain immediate results and lasting changes that will help you maintain a pain-free, active lifestyle…longer.
MELT can help improve your yoga practice, sports performance and alleviate common body aches and pains caused by everyday living, habitual postures, and fitness activities. Reduce swelling, chronic neck and low back strain, and keep your whole body working efficiently... Even help improve digestion, sleep patterns & mental focus.  The new self-treatment concept of Hands-off Bodywork™ is in the top fitness clubs in Manhattan and is now here at Fuller Yoga Pilates and Massage!
Whether in a one-on-one instruction setting or in group classes, MELT can help you transform your body! Each month, get MELTed in the monthly morning class or in the private/semi-private one-hour sessions. The right option for you is based on personal preference. For maximum results and MELT mastery, mix it up and try them both!!
Bottom line, you will walk out feeling better than when you walked in.

The third Sunday of each month beginning Sunday, September 19th.
Group MELT Class - $30.00
One- Hour Private and Semi-Private Instruction (up to 3 people) - $125-$150

Contact Fuller Yoga Pilates and Massage to register:

1477 Park ST, 2nd Floor
Hartford, CT 06106

Friday, July 30, 2010

REMINDER! 2-Day MELT Core Intensive August 14 & 15

Improve whole-body balance, eliminate tension in your neck and low back, and instantly feel better! Learn how to tap into the two subsystems that create core stability that are unaddressed by traditional abdominal exercises. If you have a lower belly paunch that won't budge, low back pain, or a sense of imbalance, MELT Core is your solution! In this introductory event, you will see how you can master the tools to rebalance the spine, stabilize the pelvis, give the organs integrity for proper digestive functioning as well as prevent lower back pain.

Join me at the Fuller Yoga Pilates and Massage in Hartford, CT August 14 & 15 from 9:00a - 11:00a for a two-day, four hour journey through the MELT Core series. The new self-treatment concept of Hands-off Bodywork™ is sweeping the nation! For a fraction of the cost of a hands-on bodywork treatment, you can learn why MELT truly is the “art of self-care”.

MELT Hand & Foot Treatment Kits and rollers will be available for purchase at event. To register, click the below link to the Fuller Movement Events page:

Fuller Yoga Pilates and Massage

1477 Park ST
2nd Floor
Hartford, CT 06106

Sunday, June 20, 2010

A small advancement....

Consistent Fitness is moving up in the world and now accepting Credit cards!

A small advancement in this little business, but nonetheless significant and guaranteed to make life easier for everyone!

Friday, June 4, 2010

MELT goes back to Hartford!

Sue Hitzmann made her way to the Fuller Movement Center in Hartford, CT last month and packed the room with happy new MELTer's.

I will be bringing MELT back to Fuller Movement on June 13, 2010 for two different workshops:

  • 90-Minute Intro to MELT - 10:00a-11:30a
  • Intro to MELT Core - 5:00p-3:30p
MELT Hand & Foot Treatment Kits will be available for purchase at both of these events.

Click here for more deatails and to register:
MELT at Fuller Movement Center

Sign up and learn how to get out of pain!!

Thursday, May 20, 2010

Why I MELT: the story of how I got out of pain

It stinks to be in pain.  I should know.  I have had all sorts of chronic back pain, foot pain, hip, wrist and finger pain.  There are only so many Advil one can take in a day and even that does not always seem to work.  For some, living with the pain just becomes part of life, and with that, the body adjusts itself to accommodate the compensation... this of course, just exacerbates the pain, and makes a new thing hurt somewhere else.  In my case, I thought corrective muscle strengthening exercises would help, but my pain was getting worse, not better.

Why does this happen, we ask the doctor? They give us an explanation we don't understand and then a prescription.  The pain is dulled for a time, but the problem is still there.

Is there an alternative?

For me, I sought out manual therapy.  Massage was helpful, thought the effects not too lasting.  I went to a chiropractor which was helpful in revealing that I had compression in my right sacroiliac joint, but the cracking was uncomfortable for me and, again, my body would eventually shift back to its original compressed state.

I voiced my frustration to my naturopath who said, 'You should get craniosacral therapy from Dr. Sanders upstairs!  He will fix you up in one session!"

Sure enough, after one session of this incredible, non-invasive body work, I felt... balanced... and pain free.  I didn't want move...ever...for fear of losing this incredible feeling of normalcy.  However, the therapist told me to continue living my life as usual, no need to rest or take time off from running or rowing (in contrast to the chiropractor who ordered me to do nothing for two weeks).  This was an amazing discovery and I would have received this treatment weekly if I could afford the $150.00 per session price tag. 

Cut to that following spring.  I am in New York taking certification classes for The MELT Method.  I had stumbled across Sue Hitzmann and her pain-management method years prior while at a fitness conference and took the 4-hour lecture workshop purely for the CEC's and then walked out of it blown away.  Sue is a manual therapist who specializes in various modalities, one of which was craniosacral.  She developed her method as a form of homework for her clients and a way for them to treat themselves in between sessions.  Her clients were coming back better and feeling empowered with the ability to treat their own pain. What began as a little experiment for Sue's private clients evolved into a remarkably successful group fitness program.

Until my chronic pain had surfaced, I had more or less forgotten about MELT until the next conference when I saw Sue on the menu of lecturers.  After the re-introduction to the method and a look at my own pathetic state of being, I decided that I  needed to learn this technique.

Through the certification course, I learned a whole new science, one that examined the communication of the connective tissue in the human form and how that system affects everything from muscles and joint pain to digestion and sleep patterns.  I was taught the techniques:  The MELT Hand & Foot Treatment, which utilizes little balls for the hands and feet that bring relief, somewhat magically, to the entire body. We learned MELT and MELT Length on the foam roller which added another layer of self-treatment that went beyond the tissues in to the autonomic nervous system.  The material was mind blowing and overwhelming.

In between modules, which were spaced a few weeks apart, I would practice MELT with great focus and discipline.  Although I was getting relief from the decompression techniques and the diaphragmatic breathing, slowly and sometimes suddenly, other issues began cropping up.  Pain from a tail bone injury from childhood came back  as if it had just happened the day before.  My left middle knuckle which had become inflamed and was treated with a cortisone shot, blew back up after just one MELT Hand Treatment.  The compression in my back shifted to the other side. 

I was becoming depressed.

When we reconvened, Sue asked if anyone had been doing any of the MELT Maps we had learned and how it was going.  I raised my hand and proceeded to speak of my woes, finishing with "I feel worse than before." 

"GREAT!" Sue said. 


She proceeded to remind us that our tissue has memory and manipulating that tissue will release whatever has been trapped with in them.  For me, my tailbone injury had become asymptomatic over a decade and a half and hydrating the tissue around it on a foam roller woke up a long sleeping dragon.  The Hand Treatment instantly flushed the cortisone out of my knuckle, proving that cortisone is no permanent solution.  The shifting pain was showing that my body was readjusting, attempting to go back to it's ideal state.

"Don't stop... keep going, and note the changes," Sue encouraged.

I obeyed... and continue to do so to this day because I will testify that my tailbone is now a non-issue.  My knuckle has calmed down between the treatment and a daily dose of Krill Oil.  My back is easily managed by weekly work on the roller and Foot Treatment.

For this I became a Certified MELT Practitioner three years ago.  I use what I have learned in treating my own body and now teach others how to do the same. 

If you are in pain anywhere in your body and want to learn how to treat it on your own, then you need to MELT.  Call or email me to schedule a one-on-session in your home or to inquire about classes.  If you have a group you want to gather to MELT with or have a studio where you think MELT would be welcome, let me know.  If I am not in your area, there ultimately is an instructor who is.

Of course, you, too, could be like me and embrace The MELT Method by getting certified as well.

Be well, be joyful and be pain-free....


Amanda Cizek
Certified Personal Trainer and MELT Practitioner

Thursday, March 25, 2010

MELT Hand & Foot Master Class this Saturday, March 27th!

The Art of Self-Care™

Hand and Foot Master Class

Improve whole-body balance, eliminate tension in your neck and low back, and instantly feel better! Learn how to self-treat your body with MELT and gain immediate results and lasting changes that will help you maintain a pain-free, active lifestyle…longer.

Join MELT practitioner Amanda Cizek for a 60-minute Hand and Foot master class.

Learn how the MELT Hand and Foot Treatments can help improve your sports performance, alleviate common foot pain and swelling, reduce chronic wrist and neck strain, and keep your whole body working efficiently! The new self-treatment concept of Hands-off Bodywork™ is sweeping the nation! For a fraction of the cost of a hands-on bodywork treatment, you can learn why MELT truly is the “art of self-care”.

Treat yourself to a relaxing, healthful, and educational Saturday, March 27th from 1:30pm -2:30pm at the Stamford Center for Natural Healing.

The M.E.L.T. Method® is an innovative self-treatment program that's being taught in some of the most prestigious health and fitness centers in Manhattan and was most recently seen on “Live with Regis & Kelly”.
Instructor: Amanda Cizek
Date: Saturday, March 27th, 2010
Time: 1:30pm – 2:30pm
Stamford Center for Natural Healing
111 High Ridge Road
Stamford, CT 06905
Tel: 203-325-3535

Fee: $10.00 at the door

Be one of the first ten people in the door and receive a free MELT gift!

Tuesday, March 16, 2010

March MELT Madness

There is a whole lotta MELT going on out there, from New York to Florida to Oregon & California.

Of course, it is happening right here in Connecticut!  Come check out one or both of the classes listed below:

Sunday, March 21, 10:30-12:00 90-Minute Intro to MELT
Performance Dance

12 Fitch Street
Norwalk, CT 06855

Fee: $20.00 at the door

To register, email Amanda:

If you missed seeing The MELT Method on Regis & Kelly, now is your chance to see and feel what it is all about!

You can prevent pain, heal injury, and erase the negative effects of aging by adding MELT to your life. It will help improve the efficiency and performance in your fitness routine, while enhancing daily life by improving your digestion, helping you sleep better, and reduce stress. Using MELT Hand and Foot Treatment Balls, and specialized rollers you can learn how to self-treat these issues in your own at home in just minutes a day to create lasting changes.

Be one of the first ten people to register and get a free MELT gift!!

Saturday, March 27, 1:30-2:30 MELT Hand & Foot Master Class
Stamford Center for Natural Healing

111 High Ridge Road
Stamford, CT 06905
Tel: 203-325-3535

Fee: $10.00 at the door

Improve whole-body balance, eliminate tension in your neck and low back, and instantly feel better! Learn how to self-treat your body with MELT and gain immediate results and lasting changes that will help you maintain a pain-free, active lifestyle…longer.

Learn how the MELT Hand and Foot Treatments can help improve your sports performance, alleviate common foot pain and swelling, reduce chronic wrist and neck strain, and keep your whole body working efficiently! The new self-treatment concept of Hands-off Bodywork™ is sweeping the nation! For a fraction of the cost of a hands-on bodywork treatment, you can learn why MELT truly is the “art of self-care”.

Treat yourself to a relaxing, healthful, and educational Sunday, March 21 at Performance Dance and Saturday, March 27th at the Stamford Center for Natural Healing.

Thursday, March 4, 2010

MELT Hand & Foot Master Class on March 27th!

The Art of Self-Care™

Hand and Foot Master Class

Improve whole-body balance, eliminate tension in your neck and low back, and instantly feel better! Learn how to self-treat your body with MELT and gain immediate results and lasting changes that will help you maintain a pain-free, active lifestyle…longer.

Join MELT practitioner Amanda Cizek for a 60-minute Hand and Foot master class.

Learn how the MELT Hand and Foot Treatments can help improve your sports performance, alleviate common foot pain and swelling, reduce chronic wrist and neck strain, and keep your whole body working efficiently! The new self-treatment concept of Hands-off Bodywork™ is sweeping the nation! For a fraction of the cost of a hands-on bodywork treatment, you can learn why MELT truly is the “art of self-care”.

Treat yourself to a relaxing, healthful, and educational Saturday, March 27th from 1:30pm -2:30pm at the Stamford Center for Natural Healing.

The M.E.L.T. Method® is an innovative self-treatment program that's being taught in some of the most prestigious health and fitness centers in Manhattan and was most recently seen on “Live with Regis & Kelly”.

Instructor: Amanda Cizek

Date: Saturday, March 27th, 2010 

Time: 1:30pm – 2:30pm

Stamford Center for Natural Healing
111 High Ridge Road
Stamford, CT 06905
Tel: 203-325-3535

Fee: $10.00 at the door

Be one of the first ten people in the door and receive a free MELT gift!

Thursday, February 18, 2010

The MELT Method on National TV!

Tune in this Friday morning to see Sue Hitzmann, creator of The MELT Method on the Regis & Kelly Show on ABC! 

On this weeks "Fitness Friday", Sue will be showing America how to live longer, better!

Tuesday, January 26, 2010

MELTing the Pain Away...

It is amazing to think that the very things we put shoes and gloves on are the very things that can cause such great strain in our bodies.  Just through the hands and feet one can end up with back pain, neck pain, headaches, carpal tunnel, bone spurs, arthritis... And yet, through those very same hands and feet, we can alleviate all of those problems and MORE! 

Last Saturday's class brought new MELTer's... people who came in feeling less than great and leaving feeling BETTER! 

Seeing the changes was amazing and hearing the positive feedback encouraging. 

This class was a 90-minute Intro to MELT workshop that not only taught participants the Hand & Foot Treatment, but also some of the MELT Core and Length techniques that are done on a foam roller.

We assess the body, MELT it and re-assess it, noting the changes that happen... and there are always changes.  It is unavoidable.  And the first time you feel it, it is quite mind blowing... and freeing.  How comforting to kow that you can truly learn how to ease discomfort in your own body and do it on your own!

So hopefully, if you have not yet experienced MELT, you will find a class near you and see what all of my crazy posts are about.  I will always post my classes here and on the MELT website, so please come take a class in Connecticut!

However, if you feel sad and frustrated that there are no MELT classes near you, have no fear...The MELT Hand and Foot Treatment is such a simple and easily accesible solution, not to mention affordable.  If you want to try it for yourself, you can get your own MELT Hand & Foot Kit just by clicking on the photo of the hands holding these specialized balls on the top right sidebar where it says "GET OUT OF PAIN!". 

The kit comes with the specialized MELT Hand & Foot Balls, a bunion reducer, instructional booklet and an instructional DVD featuring MELT creator, Sue Hitzmann, guiding you through every step... You get the experience and reward of MELT right in your own home.  

The next MELT class taught by me will be at the end of February, so keep your eyes out for the details.  In the meantime, feel free to contact me with any questions on anything... and of course on MELT.

Here's to living better for a lifetime!

Sunday, January 10, 2010

90-Minute Intro to MELT Workshop

The date has changed!

The upcoming 90-minute Intro to MELT Workshop will be on Saturday, January 23rd from 9:00am - 10:30am at The Sportsplex@Fairfield, located at 85 Mill Plain Road in Fairfield, CT (right off exit 21 on I95).

The class is $20.00 ... a tiny price to pay for learning how to rid your body of stress and pain. Sign up soon by clicking on the below link because space is limited!